This Sunday, we’ll be hearing from the book of Zechariah. Get ready, because it is a wild ride. And it is chock-full visions, dreams, imagery. A lot of it is tough to make sense of.
And yet, as we examine it, and try to wrap our minds around it, we discover the gospel shining through over and over. God calls His people to turn from their sin – the very sin that has landed them in exile. He assures them that His kingdom is coming, and that His people will live with Him under His righteous rule. He declares that He is going to forgive the sin of His people, and symbolizes it by removing the high priest’s filthy clothes, and replacing them with clean clothes.
Ultimately, God says that their Messianic shepherd-king is coming to save them and restore them, but that they are going to reject Him. Later, they will look on the shepherd king that they pierced, and mourn over their sin, and God will establish the New Jerusalem as His Kingdom forever – free from sin, with living water flowing to nourish and bless the nations as they worship their God.