Read the entire book of 1 Thessalonians. (It takes about 10 minutes.) What is the main point of the book? What are some of the major recurring themes that you notice in it?
Read Acts 17:1-15. What can we learn about the Thessalonian church, based on the circumstances of when it was planted? What can we discern about the culture of the city, and how that might have affected the church as it was growing?
What does the origin story of the church in Thessalonica teach us about the sovereignty of God? What does it teach us about the reliability and surety of God’s Word? What does it teach us about God’s ability to ensure that his Word goes forth, and accomplishes what he intends for it to accomplish? Why?
Based on reading this letter, what do you think were some of the issues that were going on and affecting the church in Thessalonica? Why?
The book of 1 Thessalonians speaks significantly to eschatology (the second coming of Jesus, the Day of the Lord), and to various issues that are affected by it (suffering, persecution, perseverance, holiness, diligence, faithfulness). Why is it so important to hold to eschatology that is Biblical and true? How does what we believe about the end times affect how we live our lives in the present?
What are the essential aspects of eschatology that all Christians should believe and agree on? What are some of the secondary aspects of eschatology that Christians have freedom to disagree on?
What can we tell from this letter about Paul’s heart for the believers in Thessalonica? What can we tell about Paul’s character, as a Christian, and a minister of the gospel?