Paul had quite a ministry among the believers in Thessalonica. (2:1-16) According to 2:17-20, what was his underlying motivation for doing so? Why was Paul willing to give and risk so much, in order to help the Thessalonians follow Jesus?
Paul says that he had been prevented from coming to visit the Thessalonians by Satan himself. (2:18) What are we to make of this? What can we learn from it about the nature of demonic realm? What application can we make for our lives as Christians?
Paul says the believers in Thessalonica will be his “hope”, and “joy”, and “glory”, and “crown of boasting” before the Lord Jesus when he returns. (2:19-20) What do you think that he means by this? What does this imply about the nature of relationships, and gospel ministry? What does it imply about how investments in those things compare to investments in the things of this world (possessions, etc.)?
Paul says that they sent Timothy to go visit the Thessalonians and encourage them (3:1-3) - which would have been a costly and risky endeavor. (Travel, expenses, danger, threats of violence, etc.) Why do you think that they were willing to take on that kind of cost and risk? Do you think it was worth it? Why or why not?
Paul makes it clear that suffering is an ordinary part of the Christian life, and that the Thessalonians should expect it, and prepare for it. (3:3-4) What application does this have for us today? How should we be preparing for suffering in our lives? What can we be doing to help ensure that we will be able to persevere when suffering comes?
Paul says that they were concerned that the Thessalonians might have been tempted, and that their labor might have been in vain, and wanted confirmation that this was not the case. (3:5) What does this verse teach us about the perseverance (remaining in the faith), and about apostasy (falling away from the faith)? How can we, as Christians, attempt to guard ourselves (and others around us) from falling away from the faith?