How would you articulate the main theme of this passage? What is Paul trying to communicate in these verses?
Why was Paul encouraged by the report that Timothy brought back from his visit to Thessalonica?
How (and why) do you think that Timothy’s report (about the faith and love of the Christians in Thessalonica) helped Paul and Silas to persevere through distress and affliction? (3:7)
What do you think that it means to stand fast in the Lord? (3:8) How can we be striving to do this in our lives?
Why do you think that Paul’s wellbeing is tied so closely together with the wellbeing of the Christians in Thessalonica? Is that something that we should strive to cultivate in our own hearts as well? Why or why not? And, if so, how can we go about it?
What do you think may have been lacking in the faith of the Thessalonians? (3:10) Why? How do you think that Paul may have intended to supply it, and help them?
What does Paul pray for in 3:11-13? How might this prayer serve as a model for us in our prayer lives?