How does Paul describe the circumstances that will surround the Day of the Lord?

Paul likens the return of Christ to a thief in the night, and to labor pains coming on a pregnant woman.  What does he mean by these analogies?  What can we learn from them about the Day of the Lord?

What does it meant to be ready for the Day of the Lord (or to be ready for your own death)?  What can we be doing now, to ensure that we will be ready when that time comes?

What does it mean to be a child of the light (day), as opposed to a child of the dark (night)?  (5:4-8)

According to 5:9-10, what has Jesus secured for his people?  And how did he go about securing it?  Why is this important?

Paul instructs the Thessalonian believers to encourage one another, and to build one another up.  (5:11)  What does this imply about our responsibilities to one another, as church members?  What can we be doing to obey this verse better?