What instructions does Paul give in this passage?
How does Paul instruct Christians to relate to and interact with leaders in the church? (5:12-13) What are some practical ways that we can apply this, and live out the spirit of it?
How does the Bible view the idea of authority? Compare and contrast this with how the world views authority. (Particularly our society, in our cultural moment.)
What are some good (righteous, godly) and bad (sinful, evil) ways to use authority? What are some good (righteous, godly) and bad (sinful, evil) ways to respond to authority?
How does Paul instruct Christians to relate to and interact with other Christians within their spheres of influence? (5:14-15) What are some practical ways that we can be admonishing the idle? Encouraging the fainthearted? Helping the weak?
How are we to discern between when people are idle, or fainthearted, or weak (and thus, whether we should admonish them, encourage them, or help them)? How can we be careful not to misdiagnose? What are some of the risks or dangers associated with misdiagnosing?
How does Paul describe God’s will for every single Christian? (5:16-18. See also 4:3-6.)
How does Paul instruct Christians to relate to and interact with prophecy, and gifts of the Spirit? (5:19-22) What does it look like to “test” prophecies and signs that we may encounter?
Where do we see each of the respective persons of the Trinity mentioned in this text? What kinds of things are attributed to each of them?
What does Paul pray for in his benediction? (5:23-24) Why is this important?
How does this passage emphasize the doctrine of the sovereignty go God? How does it emphasize the doctrine of the responsibility of man? How do those two doctrines interact with one another?