Do you think that the terms pastor (shepherd), elder, and overseer all refer to the same office? Why or why not? (Consider the language in Titus 1:5-7; Acts 20:17-18, 28-30; 1 Peter 5:1-4.) What are the implications of our understanding of these offices for church life?
Which of the qualifications for elder that Paul includes came as a surprise to you? Why? Are there any qualifications that were not included that came as a surprise to you? Why?
What does it mean to be “above reproach”? How can we be pursuing this qualification, in a way that is winsome and Christlike?
Which qualifications deal with relationships with others? Why do you think that these are important?
Which qualifications deal directly with an elder’s immediate family? Why do you think that these are important?
Where are some other places in the New Testament where there are commands (given to every Christian) that are analogous to these respective qualifications for the office of elder? What are the implications of those verses, and what do they mean for church members?