Why do you think that Paul goes out of his way to warn Timothy that some will depart from the faith?
What does it look like for us, as Christians, to respond well when friends, and family, and loved ones walk away from the gospel?
It’s been said that legalism is the default mode of the human heart - that human beings inherently incline toward rule-keeping and works-righteousness. Do you find this to be the case in your life? In what ways? Why or why not?
How can we, as Christians, enjoy the good things that God has created, while also being careful not to indulge in sin?
Paul uses some intense verbs in 4:6-16 - train, toil, strive, devote, practice, keep a close watch, persist. What are the implications of this kind of language for our Christian life? How does it confront sin and selfishness?
What are some areas of your life where you are tempted toward laziness? What would it look like to apply these verses to those areas of your life?