Read 2 Samuel 11:1-2. How do laziness and idleness cause David to be vulnerable to sin and temptation? How can you be building healthy patterns of work and rest in your life, to ensure that you are not becoming idle, and susceptible to sin and temptation?
Read 2 Samuel 11:2-4. How does David respond to sin and temptation when they present themselves? What can we learn from David’s mistakes? What can we be doing, as Christians, when sin and temptation present themselves, to guard from falling prey to them?
According to 1 John 1:5-10, sin thrives in darkness. But, when it is exposed to the light of confession and repentance, sin is forgiven, and it loses its power. What happens in 2 Samuel 11 when David keeps his sin in the dark?
How does David’s heart become more and more hardened and callous, as sin takes its toll, and dominates him more and more?
Read 2 Samuel 12:1-6. How is David’s response to the sins of other people different from how he responds to sin in his own life? Why do you think this is the case?
What are the consequences that David suffers from his sin? What are some consequences that we suffer in our lives because of sin?
What does 2 Samuel 12:13 tell us about the heart of God, and the grace of God in the gospel?