What does Jesus mean when he says “I Am the Good Shepherd”?

Jesus says that the Good Shepherd is different than (and superior to) thieves and robbers (10:1, 10:8, 10:10), strangers (10:5), and hired hands (10:12-13).  Why is this the case?  How is the Good Shepherd different than and superior to these alternatives?  What is the end result for the sheep?

Read Ezekiel 34:1-24, and Psalm 23.  How do these passages describe different kinds of shepherds?  What kind of insight do these passages give us into Jesus’s words in John 10:1-18?

Jesus says that the Good Shepherd calls his sheep, and they hear his voice, and know his voice.  (10:3-5)  Describe the process of how a person comes to faith in Christ, and the role that God has in calling him.

Jesus says that the Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.  (10:11-13, 10:15, 10:17-18)  How does that compare with how others (strangers, hired hands, etc.) would react in a similar situation?  Why do you think that the Good Shepherd reacts differently?

Jesus says that the Good Shepherd knows his sheep, and invites them to know him.  (10:14-15)  Why is this significant?  What does it mean that Jesus has not just saved us, but that he has invited us to know him, and to be known by him?

Jesus says that he is going to gather other sheep, from other sheepfolds.  (10:16)  What does he mean by this?  Why was it such a significant (and even controversial) claim for him to make?

Jesus's vision for the church is for it to have unity - one flock, under one shepherd - even though it lacks uniformity.  (10:16)  Why is this important?  What implications does this vision have for us, as Christians today?  What does it look like for us to be actively pursuing this vision?

What can we learn about Jesus’s death and resurrection from 10:17-18?  What does it teach us about Jesus’s heart, and character?  What does it teach us about Jesus’s sovereignty, and authority?  What does it teach us about Jesus’s relationship with the Father?

What insight does this passage give us into the gospel - the good news that Jesus came to die on the cross in order to save sinners?