What does Jesus mean when he says “I Am the way”?  What are the implications of this statement?

What does Jesus mean when he says “I Am the truth”?  What are the implications of this statement?

What does Jesus mean when he says “I Am the life”?  What are the implications of this statement?

How does the death of Jesus on the cross result in God the Father being glorified?  (13:31)

How does the death of Jesus on the cross result in Jesus Christ being glorified?  (13:32)

Jesus says that the distinguishing characteristic of a Christian is that they “love one another”.  (13:35)  What application does this have for our lives, as Christians?  How does this speak to the importance of church membership, and how we live and act within the church?

Jesus says that his disciples cannot follow him now (to his death on the cross), but that they will follow him afterward (into suffering and persecution, for the sake of his name).  (13:36)  What does this statement tell us about what we should expect during the course of our lives as Christians?  How can we position ourselves to persevere through suffering, instead of falling away as a result of it?

Peter seems to have a great deal of confidence, but Jesus tells him that he is actually going to deny him.  (13:37-38)  What application is there in these verses for us, as Christians?  What kind of posture should we have when we consider our own strength and abilities?  How can we guard against pride and arrogance, and cultivate humility and dependence in our lives?

There are lots of religious teachers who have effectively said “I know the way, and I can show it to you”, but Jesus said “I am the way”.  Why is this distinction important?  What are the implications of it?

Jesus did not say “I am a way”.  He said “I am the way”.  Why is this distinction important?  What are the implications of it?

Christians (who believe that trusting in Jesus is the only way to saved) are sometimes accused of being narrow, close-minded, intolerant, prideful.  Do you think these accusations are credible?  Why or why not?  How can we, as Christians, hold to Jesus’s words in 14:6, without being guilty of pride and arrogance?