What do you think Jesus means when he says “I Am the bread of life”?  (6:35, 6:48)

Consider the context in the Gospel of John.  (Specifically, 6:1-14)  How does give us insight into Jesus’s words in 6:22-59?

Jesus says that the world offers “food that perishes”, but that he offers “food that endures to eternal life”.  (6:27, 6:48-51)  What do you think he means by this?  How is what Jesus offers us in the gospel better than anything that the world can offer us?

What does it look like for us, as Christians, to work for the “food that endures to eternal life”, as opposed to the “food that perishes”?  (6:27)

Jesus’s hearers were immediately working from an assumption of justification by religious works - like so many of us today.  (6:28)  How does Jesus respond to them?  (6:29)  What does his response teach us about nature of salvation?

What does Jesus teach in this text about the sovereignty of God in salvation?  (6:37-40, 6:44)  Why is it important?  What implications can we take away from it?

Jesus likens himself to a new (and better) Moses, who is bringing about a New Exodus.  (6:30-33, 6:48-51)  What are some parallels that we see between the Exodus event and the gospel of Jesus?  How does Jesus’s ministry resemble the Exodus?  How does it fulfill what the Exodus anticipates?

What do you think Jesus means when it says that people must “eat his flesh” and “drink his blood”?  (6:52-58)  What does it look like for us to apply and obey this passage in our lives?