Which Old Testament characters does Jude reference in verses 5-7?  What do these references teach us about the heart and character of God?  What do they teach us about the false teachers (that Jude is comparing them to)?

How does Jude describe the false teachers?  (Verse 8)  Where do they appeal for their authority?  What are their priorities?

In verse 9, Jude recounts a Jewish story that is very similar to one found in a book called the Assumption of Moses.  Why does Jude point to this story?  What is he trying to communicate?

What is Jude trying to communicate in verse 10?  What are the things that the false teachers do not understand (that they blaspheme)?  What are the things that they do understand (that they are destroyed by)?

Which Old Testament characters does Jude reference in verse 11?  What do each of them teach us about these false teachers?  (See also Genesis 4, Numbers 22-24, Numbers 16.)

In verses 12-13, Jude gives 6 more metaphors for these false teachers.  List each of them.  What can we learn and discern about the false teachers from each of these illustrations?

In verses 14-15, Jude quotes from another extra-biblical Jewish text called the Book of Enoch.  What can we learn about the heart and character of God from this citation?  Where do we see it corroborated in the Bible?  (See also Revelation 19-20.)

What are some ways that we can apply the truths from Jude 5-16 to our lives, as Christians today?