Compare and contrast this cycle, and how the narrator introduces Jephthah as a judge (10:6-18) to the judges who came before him.  Why is this significant?  What insight does this give us into the spiritual climate in Israel at this point?

Why does Jephthah leave his hometown?  Where does he go?  What does he do once he arrives there?  (11:1-3)

Why do you think Jephthah is something of an unexpected judge and leader in the nation of Israel?  

Why are the Ammonites coming to make war on Israel?  (11:12-13)  How does Jephthah respond to them?  (11:14-27)  How do the Ammonites respond?  (11:28)

What vow does Jephthah make?  (11:30-31)  Why do you think he makes this vow?  Do you think it is wise or foolish?  Why?

How do you think Jephthah should have proceeded after he saw his daughter come out of his house?  Why?

How does the tribe of Ephraim respond to Israel’s victory over the Ammonites?  Why do you think they react this way?  What does this tell us about the spiritual and cultural climate in the notion of Israel at this time?

What are some ways that we can learn from Jephthah, where we can follow his example?  What are some ways where we can learn from his mistakes?