Describe the process for burnt offerings that are outlined in this text.

What are the three different kinds of burnt offerings that people could bring?  (1:3-9, 1:10-13, 1:14-17)

1:4 states that the purpose of the burnt offering was “to make atonement”.  What does this mean?

Why was atonement required?  Why couldn’t the people enjoy a relationship with God without the need for a sacrifice?

Read Romans 3:21-26.  And Hebrews 8-10.  How does Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross substantively fulfill everything that the Levitical sacrifices were symbolizing and anticipating?

What are some ways in your life where God might be calling you to makes some sacrifices?  To do something, that might not benefit you, for the sake of obeying God, and showing how valuable He is?