Why do you think that Leviticus has such a strong focus on cleanliness?  Why was it so important to separate the clean from the unclean?  (15:31)

Much of these laws about cleanliness (dietary laws, purification after childbirth, skin diseases, etc.) seem far removed from our lives today (because of medicine, technology, etc.).  With that in view, how are the relevant for us?  What are some spiritual and theological principles that we can derive from texts like these?

What were some of the practical implications in one’s life, that came as a result of being declared unclean?  (13:45-46)

How does sin have an alienating affect on our lives, similar to that of uncleanness for people in ancient Israel?

What role did the priest play in declaring someone clean and/or unclean?  Why is that important?

How can we, as Christians today, be cleansed from our sin, so that we are no longer defiled and unclean?