What is the main theme of this text? How would you summarize it in one sentence?
What do you think is the main applicational takeaway here? How is this text calling us to respond as Christians?
Why do you think that Jesus tells the man that his sins are forgiven first (Luke 5:20)? Instead of restoring his ability to walk?
Why do you think that the Pharisees and scribes respond the way that they do in Luke 5:21?
Are there areas in your life where you tend to respond with cynicism, and criticism, and judgmentalism like the Pharisees? If so, what would it look like to repent of this?
How does this episode demonstrate Jesus’s sovereign authority? How does it ultimately prove that He is God?
The paralytic, immediately after being healed from his condition, is moved to worship God, and glorify Him (Luke 5:25-26). How does this serve as an example for us, as Christians today? How can we grow and excel in responding appropriately to the grace that God has extended to us?
Why do you think that people tend to find it so easy to resent when grace is shown to others? What can we do about it?