In Luke 5, we have seen Jesus approach and/or interact with a fisherman, a leper, a paralytic, and a tax collector. Why is it significant for Him to have chosen these various people? Why do you think that Jesus interacts with the people that he does?
Levi leaves everything that he has ever known to get up and follow Jesus. What are some ways that we, as Christians today, can practice radical, costly discipleship? What are some tangible next steps that you can take to do it personally?
Why is ordinary hospitality such a valuable component of doing effective ministry, and helping other people meet Jesus?
What are some practical steps that you could take to be more hospitable? To leverage your life and your home and your resources to help other people meet Jesus?
Why are the Pharisees so upset in this text? What are some ways that we, as Christians today, might be inadvertently adopting the Pharisees’ heart posture? How can we take care to repent, and to avoid it?
How does Jesus respond to the Pharisees? How might his response be applicable to us today?
What would it look like for us to heed the words of Jesus in Luke 5:31-32?