How does Nathan’s story (2 Samuel 12:1-4) inform how we understand the incident between David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11:2-5)?
Read Psalm 51. Describe David’s understanding of the severity of his own sin. Why is this important?
What kinds of standards of behavior does God have for people who are in power? How can we, as Christians, work to glorify God when we occupy positions of authority?
What are some ways that we, as Christians, can be actively guarding against sin and temptation in our lives?
How does God call His people to respond to sin and injustice in the world? How is God calling us to stand up and advocate for people who are vulnerable, and who are suffering because of the sins of others?
How does the Christ’s work on the cross come to bear on our sin, and how we have sinned against others? How does it call us to respond?
How does Christ’s work on the cross come to bear on our baggage - the guilt, shame, and fear that we carry because of where we have been sinned against? How does it call us to respond?