What would you identify as the main theme of the book of Nahum?


How is God described in Nahum 1?  What characteristics of His are on display?  What actions do we see him taking?


How is the plight of Nineveh described in Nahum 2 and 3?


How should the doctrine of the wrath of God inform:
-our struggle against besetting sin in our lives?
-our efforts to proclaim the gospel to the world?
-our patience and perseverance when we are experiencing persecution?


How do God’s words in Jeremiah 18:7-8 speak to the message that we read in Nahum?


How should the reality of God’s wrath against sin cause is to love Christ more?


What does it look like to maintain a healthy fear of God?  How would you distinguish between a healthy fear of God and an unhealthy fear of God?