What is the significance of the language used in Psalm 1:1?
As we consider the Psalmist’s word choice, what implications might there be for us as Christians, as we fight against sin?
Psalm 1:2 encourages us to meditate on God's law, and to delight in God’s law. What does it look like for a Christian to obey these tasks? What do you find most difficult about them?
What does the illustration in Psalm 1:3-4 tell us about the differences between the joy that comes from sin, and the joy that comes from knowing God? How is the joy from knowing God superior to the joy found in sin?
What role does the church playing in helping one another to meditate on and delight in God’s law, rather than settling for seeking joy in sin? How can we, as fellow church members, serve one another in this area?
How does the Fatherly love of God motivate us to meditate on and delight in His law, and to pursue righteousness?