How would you articulate the main point of this psalm?

According to the psalmist, what are some of the different reasons why we should give thanks to the Lord?  What is it about God that makes him worthy of our thanks and worship?

136:4-9 describes God’s sovereignty in the act of creation.  How would you define the doctrine of creation?  Why is it important to the Christian worldview?  What does the doctrine of creation teach us about God?  What does it teach us about ourselves?

How does what we believe about God fuel our ability to worship God?  Why is it important to understand and appreciate the various roles that God plays in our lives (Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, etc.)?

136:10-16 describes God’s redemption of Israel in the Exodus from Egypt.  How do we see God’s power on display through those events?

What are some similarities between God’s work of redemption at the Exodus and at the cross?  How does the Exodus event foreshadow how God would save sinners through the person and work of Jesus?

136:17-22 describes God’s faithfulness to bring his people safely home, and to establish them in the Promised Land.  Why is that important?  Why do you think the psalmist included this section (instead of just discussing the Exodus in 136:10-16)?  What relevance does it have for us, as Christians today?

136:23-25 appears to describe more recent events in Israel’s history - perhaps the return from exile.  Why is this section significant?  Why is it important to remember and reflect on the ways that God has shown grace to us?