How do you instinctively respond to authority in your life?  Trust?  Distrust?  Something else?  Do you find it easy to submit to authority? Why or why not?


Why do you think that humanity is pictured the way that they are in Psalm 2:1-3? What are some circumstances in your life that might cause you to respond with anger, or resentment, or hostility - toward God or others?


How does Psalm 2 describe God’s response to human sin and rebellion? How does this comport with how we might naturally understand and think about God?


How does a proper understanding of God’s sovereignty, holiness, and judgment affect how we live as Christians?


Is it appropriate for Christians to live in fear of the judgment of God? Why or why not?


In Psalm 2:10-12, God warns sinful humanity to respond appropriately to God’s King, and to come to Him on His terms. How can we be living sin obedience to these verses? What does it look like for us, as Christians, to come to Jesus on His terms, in order to enjoy His blessing, rather than His judgment?