This Sunday
December 12, 2021


The Flight to Egypt
Matthew 2:13-18


Angels We Have Heard On High
O Come, All Ye Faithful
O Holy Night
Here I Am To Worship


Check out our Spotify playlist, to listen the music that we play during our worship services.



Last Sunday


If you missed last week's sermon, or if you would like to revisit it.


Reflection Questions
To help you reflect on last week's sermon, and/or discuss it in community with others.





Christmas Eve Service
Friday, December 24

Come join us to worship God, meditate on the incarnation, sing Christmas Carols, and hear from God's Word!  In order to pull it off, we need your help!  Let us know if you'd be able to participate and serve.


Support the CAPS Night Stay Program
The Coalition Against Poverty in Suffolk is organizing the Night Stay Program this winter - mobilizing several local churches to open their doors for people who are in crisis, whether facing eviction or homelessness.  We have an opportunity to support the churches that are hosting (volunteering, preparing food, etc.).  If you’d like to help, please contact the organizer for the week that you are available:


Member Meeting Recap
You can find a recap of our most recent Member Meeting here.


We need people to help with preparing snacks to enjoy after our corporate worship services, and cleaning up afterward.  If you'd like to volunteer, you can sign up here.