This Sunday
March 20, 2022


The Crucifixion of Jesus
Luke 23:32-38


Hallelujah for the Cross
God the Uncreated One
There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood
The Old Rugged Cross
The Power Of The Cross


Check out our Spotify playlist, to listen the music that we play during our worship services.



Last Sunday


If you missed last week's sermon, or if you would like to revisit it.


Reflection Questions
To help you reflect on last week's sermon, and/or discuss it in community with others.





Prayer Meeting for JRCC Missionaries
Sunday March 20

Join us for a time of corporate prayer for our missionary partners.  We've been hearing updates recently from various missionaries and ministries that JRCC supports financially, and we want to lift them up in prayer as well.  Please make it a priority to come an hour early this week to pray!


Missions Team Meeting
Monday, March 21

The next Missions Team meeting will be Monday, March 21 at 8:00.  We encourage anyone interested to join us to learn how you can help!  We meet on the third Monday of each month via Zoom to discuss how the members of JRCC can be equipped to share the gospel as well as support missionaries around the world.  Anyone with an interest can join us here:
Meeting ID: 872 8400 5390
Passcode: 476289


Children's Sunday School Class
Sunday, March 27

We are looking to launch a Sunday School class (K4-2nd grade) at 10am on Sunday mornings on March 27.  Natasha Scully is interested in teaching it during the school year, but we need people to help teach for a few months during the summer.  Let us know if you are interested in helping!


Community Easter Egg Hunt
April 9

We are planning an exciting Easter event for our children, and for people from the neighborhood!  We'll have an Easter Egg hunt, as well as lots of other games and activities.  In order to make it happen, we need people to volunteer to serve.  And to donate candy and easter eggs.  Let Penny Sleichter or Brittany Page know if you can help!


We need people to help with preparing snacks to enjoy after our corporate worship services, and cleaning up afterward.  If you'd like to volunteer, you can sign up here.