This Sunday
March 9, 2025
How to prepare your soul for our gathering on Sunday.
Ben LoPresti
Leviticus 11-15
God Of Wonders
Take My Life and Let It Be
There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood
10,000 Reasons
Across The Lands
Last Sunday
If you missed last week's sermon, or if you would like to revisit it.
Reflection Questions
To help you reflect on last week's sermon, and/or discuss it in community with others.
Missions Prayer Meeting
Sunday, March 9
After Corporate Worship
Student Ministry Gathering
Sunday, March 9
JRCC is starting a youth group for middle school and high school students. We will gather together from 6-7:30pm this Sunday evening (March 9). Contact Jason or Penny Sleichter if you have any questions or would like more information.
Church Building/Property Work Day
Saturday, April 5
We will be having a church work day on Saturday, April 5, from 8:30am until mid-afternoon. More details to follow, but some of the work will include projects such as pressure washing, gutter cleanout, modular deck maintenance, modular cleanout, landscaping, electrical work, and other general maintenance/housekeeping items around the church. Those willing to join can come and go as they are able to support and fellowship. Lunch will be provided. Contact Jeff Daniels if you are able to support.
A Praying Life Seminar
April 4-5
Virginia Beach Community Chapel (one of the churches in our consortium) is hosting a seminar to look at Jesus’ powerful yet simple teachings on prayer. You can find details about it here.
Sign up here if you would like to help prepare or clean up snacks after our corporate worship service.