This Sunday
May 12, 2024


How to prepare your soul for our gathering on Sunday.


Ben LoPresti
Judges 9-10


God is For Us
Psalm 34 (Taste and See)
Ancient of Days
The Goodness of Jesus



Last Sunday


If you missed last week's sermon, or if you would like to revisit it.


Reflection Questions
To help you reflect on last week's sermon, and/or discuss it in community with others.





Missions Team Meeting
Monday May 20

We meet to discuss how the members of JRCC can be equipped to share the gospel as well as support missionaries around the world.  Anyone with an interest can join us here.


Missions Dinner
Saturday, August 10
5:30pm - 7:30pm

Please save the date and join us for dinner and fellowship with several missionaries our church supports. More details to come.


Opportunities to Fellowship with Ann Cherry
Ann Cherry is unable to attend church at this time, so we wanted to create opportunities for our church family to still have fellowship with her - to spend time, pray with her, discuss the sermon, read a psalm, etc.  If you can, please sign up to call or visit her.  (If you visit, please contact her in advance to schedule a good time.)  Contact Gina McKeehan if you have any questions.


Sign up here if you would like to help prepare or clean up snacks after our corporate worship service.