This Sunday
September 8, 2024


How to prepare your soul for our gathering on Sunday.


Ben LoPresti
John 8:12-30
I Am the Light of the World


O Love that Will Not Let Me Go
O Church Arise
All I Have is Christ
Here I Am To Worship



Last Sunday


If you missed last week's sermon, or if you would like to revisit it.


Reflection Questions
To help you reflect on last week's sermon, and/or discuss it in community with others.





Sunday School
Our Sunday School semester starts this Sunday (September 8), and runs until Thanksgiving.  Class will begin each Sunday, shortly after Corporate Worship.


CAPS Barbecue Fundraiser
Sunday, September 15

The Coalition Against Poverty in Suffolk is having a fundraiser on Sunday, September 15.  They still need a few more volunteers to pull it off.  If you are able to help, sign up here!  (Or email Sasha Gilson.)  If you'd like to buy tickets to support CAPS, see Tim Bowden.  Matt McKeehan will be picking up meals and bringing them back after Sunday School.  If you'd like for him to get yours, let him know, and give him your tickets!


Missions Prayer Meeting
Sunday, September 22
Shortly after Corporate Worship

Instead of the adult Sunday School class, we will gather to pray for the missionaries that our church supports.


Worship and Prayer Night
Sunday, September 22

Christians are called to “continue steadfastly in prayer” (Colossians 4:2), and to worship God “in spirit and truth” (John 4:24).  JRCC is hosting a Worship and Prayer night on Sunday September 22 at 6pm.  We will sing hymns, pray for our families, churches, community, nation, and missionaries around the world.  Come join us and sing, pray, stand, kneel, sit, raise your hands, shout, or be silent.  However you are led to, we encourage you to come and worship the Lord with passion, reverence, and love.


Crisis Pregnancy Center Fundraiser Banquet
Thursday, November 7

Catherine Munden is looking for someone to help as a volunteer with the Crisis Pregnancy Center’s annual fundraising banquet.  (It would also be great if this person could host a table of people from JRCC during this event!)  If you would be interested in helping, let Catherine know!