Every Sunday, at 10am, we gather together as a church to hear from God's Word, and respond with worship, and to encourage one another. We come together, under the authority of God's Word, to hear God's Word, and sing God's Word, and pray God's Word, and see God's Word on display.
We intentionally structure the service to be shaped by the Bible, and by the gospel. To be a time where we celebrate the glory of God, acknowledge our own ruin in sin, and collectively look to Jesus, and trust in the sufficiency of His death and resurrection.
We love music at James River. It is an integral part of our worship service. We believe that music has a unique capacity to engage the head and their heart.
We sing a variety of different kinds of songs. Some old. Some new. We lean toward music that is theologically rich, and God-centered, and Christ-exalting. And that encourages the congregation to participate and sing.
Check out our Spotify playlist, to listen the music that we play during our worship services.
We understand the preaching of God's Word to a primary way that we learn and grow as Christians. And that the right preaching of the gospel is critical for a church to be healthy and strong.
To that end, we emphasize preaching in our worship services. On any given Sunday, we take our time, and work through a passage of Scripture expositonally, attempting to understand what it means and apply it to our lives. We also seek to ensure that the gospel (the Bible's main story of God saving sinners through His Son Jesus) is always on display. We typically work systematically through entire books of the Bible for several weeks at at time.
If you're not a Christian, we're not asking for your money. We would encourage you to join us, visit with us, hear from God's Word with us. But please do not feel obligated to give money to us.
That said, we do recognize that financial generosity is a significant way that we can worship God as Christians. We encourage members of James River to give faithfully, and generously, and cheerfully, and in proportion to how much God has given to them. We collect offering during the worship service, because we believe that giving is worship - just as much as singing, or listening to a sermon.