How would articulate the main theme of Jude 24-25?

How do these verses interact with the rest of the book of Jude?  How can we reconcile with them verses 20-21?  How do they work with verse 1 to bookend the entire letter?

What do these verses tell us about what God does for us?  (Verse 24)  What do they tell us about who God is?  (verse 25)  How does the latter (who God is) empower the former (what God does), and make it possible?

How does God’s keeping of us (Jude 1, 24) help and enable us to keep ourselves in the love of God (Jude 21)?

What is the decisive factor that keeps us in the faith?  Who receives the credit for our salvation and perseverance?  Why?

What does Jude mean when he says that God will "present us blameless before the presence of his glory”?  Why will that result in our experiencing “great joy”?  How are God’s glory and our joy connected, and related to one another?

What is the glory and majesty of God?  What does it mean that God possesses all glory and all majesty?

What is the dominion and authority of God?  What does it mean that God possesses all dominion and authority?