What does this passage, in conjunction with the 2 passages that precede it (Luke 8:22-25, Luke 8:26-39), tell us about the sovereignty of God? How do these three events speak to Jesus’ ultimate authority over all things?
In this text, Jesus heals a woman who has been hemorrhaging blood for 12 years, and restores the life of a 12 year old girl who has died. What does this tell us about the heart of God? What does it tell us about God’s heart for women and children?
How would you describe:
How is this relevant to us, and our lives as Christians today? How is this text calling us to respond to our own brokenness, and to the sovereign grace of God?
The other character in this text (the 12 year old girl) paints an altogether different picture. Rather than actively pursuing Jesus (like the woman), she is lying dead in a casket when Jesus comes to her and restores her life. What does this tell us about the nature of our salvation?
The girl’s parents, and even Jesus’s inner circle of disciples, find the situation to be laughably impossible. And yet, Jesus is not intimidated by death—He restores her life with the power of His word. What does this teach us about Christ’s authority and power to save—even when salvation seems unlikely, or impossible?