How would you summarize the overall theme of this passage?
What are some of the reasons that Paul gives for why Christians should be subject to the governing authorities?
How does the sovereignty of God over all things inform how Christians should relate to the governing authorities? (13:1-2)
What does Paul mean when he says that Christians should obey the government “for the sake of conscience”? (13:5)
Are there ever times when Christians can (or should) disobey the government? If so, when? And why? (See also Exodus 1, Daniel 3, Daniel 6, Acts 4-5)
What is the “sword of the state”? (13:4) What are the “keys of the kingdom”? (Matthew 16:13-19) How do these texts give us insight into the different spheres of authority that God has given to the government and to the church, respectively?
How should Christians respond if the civil government ventures outside of the sphere of authority that God has given to it? How can we know if/when it has done that?
Paul instructs Christians to pay their taxes. (13:7) Do you think that there is a hypothetical tax rate that is so high that it is exploitative, and inhumane, and that Christians should refuse to pay it? If so, what is it? And why?
Who do we owe respect and honor to? (13:7) How can we pay that to them?