This Sunday
October 6, 2024


How to prepare your soul for our gathering on Sunday.


Ben LoPresti
John 13:31 - 14:14
I Am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life


Because He Lives
Whom Shall I Fear
10,000 Reasons
How Great Thou Art
Be Thou My Vision



Last Sunday


If you missed last week's sermon, or if you would like to revisit it.


Reflection Questions
To help you reflect on last week's sermon, and/or discuss it in community with others.





Member Meeting
Sunday, October 6
Shortly After Corporate Worship

Stick around after after our Corporate Worship Service this Sunday for our monthly Member Meeting.  We will pray together, and handle some family business - including a vote to reaffirm Jason Sleichter back into active eldership.


Youth Sunday
Sunday, October 6

We will be having children and students helping to serve during and after our worship service.  (There will be no Children's Church.)  Click here to sign up your child for a specific job.  Contact Gina McKeehan if you have any questions.


Potluck Lunch
Sunday, October 6
Immediate After Corporate Worship

We will have a potluck lunch together after our Corporate Worship Service on Sunday.  Bring some food to share!  Sign up to contribute or serve here.


Chili Cook-off
Saturday, October 12

Come for an evening of chili, desserts, and a bonfire!  Please sign up to bring something!


Ladies Retreat
November 8-9

Ladies!  Come join us on Friday November 8 (6:30pm-8pm) and Saturday November 9 (8:30am-3pm)!  Our retreat will start with a fun craft night on Friday evening. On Saturday, we will learn about four more of the fruits of the Spirit, play games, finish our craft, and eat delicious food.  Please plan to join us for an opportunity to deepen our relationships and better understand the work of the Spirit in us.  Please RSVP to attend here.  (Also, we need help of all kinds with the retreat, so if you are available please contact Laurie Gardner.)


Sunday School Nursery
We are need volunteers to watch children during Sunday School (and during Member Meetings) this semester!  If you're able to help, sign up here.  Let us know if you have any questions about it.


Sign up here if you would like to help prepare or clean up snacks after our corporate worship service.