How would you describe Paul’s mood and tone in this passage?

Compare and contrast how Paul describes these respective people in this passage:

  • Demas (see also Colossians 4:14, Philemon 1:24)
  • Luke (see also Colossians 4:14, Philemon 1:24)
  • Mark (see also Acts 13:13, Acts 15:36-41)
  • Alexander (see also 1 Timothy 1:20)

What can we learn (as an example, or as a caution) from each of them?

How does Paul instruct Timothy to engage with a proven enemy of the gospel in Alexander? (4:14-16)  How should this inform how we should interact with those who oppose us?

According to this passage, why does God save, and preserve, and strengthen his people? (4:17)

This passage teaches that Paul trusts God, and that God will be faithful to him - even if everyone else deserts him. (4:17-18)  It also teaches that Paul genuinely desires and needs real relationships with other Christians. (4:9, 4:11, 4:21)  How are we to reconcile these 2 ideas? How can we relate to other Christians in a way that is healthy, and avoid the dangers of isolation or co-dependency?

Why do you think that Paul stresses that he wants Timothy to come soon?