What does Jesus mean when he says “I Am the Door”?  (10:7, 10:9)  What are some of the implications of this statement?

What does Jesus’s statement “I Am the Door” teach us about the doctrine of conversion?

What does Jesus’s statement “I Am the Door” teach us about the doctrine of the divinity of Christ?

What does Jesus’s statement “I Am the Door” teach us about the exclusivity of Christ?

What does it mean to “enter by [way of] Jesus”?  (10:9)  How do we do that?  What are we entering into?  What are we leaving behind when we do?

Jesus says that those who enter by him will find pasture.  (10:9)  What does this mean?  What implications can we draw from it?  (See also Exodus 3:8, Deuteronomy 8:7-9, Psalm 23)

Jesus says that those who enter by him will be saved.  (10:9)  What is he referring to?  What are we saved from?  How are we saved?  Who are we saved by?  What comes about as the result of our being saved? 

What does Jesus mean when he says “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”?  (10:10)  How is the Christian life better, or more abundant, than the life that the world offers?

Read Hebrews 10:19-22.  How does this passage give us some additional insight into Jesus’s statement “I Am the Door”?

Read Matthew 7:13-14.  How does this passage give us some additional insight into Jesus’s statement “I Am the Door”?