What do these chapters signal to us about what has happened in the nation of Israel over the course of the generations that are chronicled in the book of Judges?  Has the situation gotten better or worse?  How?

What is wrong with some of the decisions and actions that we see from Micah in Judges 17?  Why?

Why is it important for us to worship God on God’s terms, instead of on our own terms, according to our own preferences?  What are some ways that this sin might manifest itself in the church today?  What would it look like for us to repent of it?

What is wrong with some of the decisions and actions that we see from the Levite in Judges 17?  Why?

Why is the love of money such a dangerous sin?  What can we do to guard against it in our lives?

Why does the Levite leave the house of Micah to serve the tribe of Dan?  (Judges 18)  What does signal to us about his character and priorities?

Compare and contrast Judges 19 with Genesis 19.  What does this tell us about the spiritual climate in Israel at the end of the book of Judges?

How does the nation of Israel respond to the sins of these men in Gibeah?  (Judges 20)

What happens after the civil war ends, when the tribe of Benjamin is on the brink of extinction?  (Judges 21)  How does the rest of the nation respond?

All of this happens in the nation of Israel because there was no king, so everyone was doing what is right in their own eyes.  (21:25)  Why is this such a dangerous path for a culture to walk down?  What are the risks when everyone does what they think is right (instead of what God says is right)?