In Psalm 8, David looks out at the earth around him, and at the heavens above him. When he does, he is immediately aware of God’s glory, and he marvels, and worships God. What are some experiences in your life that cause you to (or help you to) reflect on God‘s glory?
In Psalm 8:2, we see that God uses people who are weak and frail to accomplish His purposes. (David uses infants and babies as an illustration.) What are some areas in your life where you are weak and frail? Where you feel inadequate? What do you think God intends to do through these areas? How can you trust God to accomplish his purposes through these areas?
In Psalm 8:5, we see that God has crowned humanity with glory and honor. That we, as people, bear the image of God. What are some practical applications of the doctrine of the image of God? What implications does it have for our lives, and our society, today? For issues such as work? Family? Abuse? Poverty? Racism? Abortion?
In Psalm 8:6-8, David says that God has tasked humanity with the meaningful work of exercising dominion, and ruling over God’s world on God’s behalf. In essence, David restates the Cultural Mandate from Genesis 1:28. How can you be actively working to obey the Cultural Mandate in your life? What would it look like for you to exercise dominion over your particular spheres of influence? And to work to spread God’s fame and glory within it?