How might this text be helpful for a person who is suffering?  Someone who is hurting, or isolated and alone?

What do you think motivated the man full of leprosy to approach Jesus and make the request that he did (Luke 5:12)?

Why is it significant that Jesus stretches out his hand and touches the man with leprosy (Luke 5:13)?

How does this text display both the sovereignty authority of Jesus, and the merciful compassion of Jesus?

Why do you think that Jesus charged the man not to tell anyone about this incident (Luke 5:14)?

In Leviticus 14, we see that the cleansing of a leper involves the sacrifice of a live bird, followed by the formal, public, pronouncement from a priest.  How does Jesus’s ministry fulfill these processes?  (cf. Hebrews 7-10)

In what ways might you be tempted to believe that your sin is too bad for Jesus to forgive you?  Or that Christ’s mercy is not enough for you?  How does this text press back against these false doctrines?

When you come across someone who is ignoring God’s commands, do you tend to move toward them, or keep them at a distance?  Why?

How is Jesus’s compassion different from (and better than) the compassion that we typically show to others?

What are some ways that you can point yourself and others to Jesus for the change that we all need?