How would articulate the main theme of Jude 24-25? How do these verses interact with the rest of the book of Jude? How can we...
Describe the process for burnt offerings that are outlined in this text. What are the three different kinds of burnt offerings that...
Describe the grain offering. How is it similar to some of the other offerings in Leviticus 1-7? How is it different? The word for...
One of the unique things about the peace offering is that it is the only offering where the worshipper actually shares in the meal...
Describe the process to atone for the following kinds of sins: Sins of the anointed priest (4:3-12) Sins of the whole congregation...
The guilt offering emphasizes the idea of paying back a debt that is owed. What does this tell us about how God understands and...
What does it mean to “consider the poor”? (41:1) What are some practical ways that we can be doing that today? How can you...
What do you think Jesus means when he says “I Am the bread of life”? (6:35, 6:48) Consider the context in the Gospel of John....
Describe the main theme of this passage. What does Jesus mean when he says, “I am the light of the world”? (8:12) What does it mean...
What does Jesus mean when he says “I Am the Door”? (10:7, 10:9) What are some of the implications of this statement? What does...
What does Jesus mean when he says “I Am the Good Shepherd”? Jesus says that the Good Shepherd is different than (and superior to)...
What does Jesus mean when he says “I Am the Resurrection and the Life”? (11:25) What can we learn from this text about Jesus’s...
What does Jesus mean when he says “I Am the way”? What are the implications of this statement? What does Jesus mean when he says “I...
What does Jesus mean when he says “I Am the true vine”? What are the implications of this statement? We can see vine imagery at...
What is the immediate context from John 3? Why is Jesus traveling, and why does he decide to stop at this well? Why is the Samaritan...
Jesus says that those abide in him will be set free. (8:31-32) How do his hearers respond to this? (8:33) Why is it so upsetting to...
What do you think are the most relevant details in this passage? Why? What has Jesus just finished doing and discussing with his...
How would you articulate the main point of this psalm? According to the psalmist, what are some of the different reasons why we should...
How would you articulate the main theme of this psalm? What is Asaph praying for? What are the attitudes and motivations that are...